Tag Archive For "News"

Can Internet Be Censored?
Recently, the EU attempted to shoot for a specific copyright legislation to protect the rights of unique content creators by addressing the issues of licensing in particular. However, the reaction from the public seems couldn’t be farther from calm. New EU Copyright Directive On June 20th, the EU’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) approved a new …

Axon and DJI Partner Up to Equip US Police With Very Capable Flying Helpers
All the drone hype brought up in the recent years seems to be subsiding, giving way to ICOs and AI. But what if you take the so-yesterday drone debate, mix it with evergreen SkyNet-esque AI controversies and add just a pinch of ever so vigilant government? This time, you probably won’t like the answer, let …

Why Did They Kill Net Neutrality
On June 11th, 2018 the new rules adopted by the FCC abolished net neutrality. While those who are aware of what it is regarded the decision as the death of the free internet, many people actually have no idea of what net neutrality is all about, notwithstanding John Oliver’s truly Herculean effort. In a few …

Patent Wars Get Personal: Developer Jarek Duda Claims Google Patents His Public Domain Contribution
The issue of interaction between giant international corporations and humble human beings has been, at least most of the time, one of the major concerns for cyberpunk fiction. The genre’s cornerstones like the original Blade Runner or Total Recall (1990) tend to depict corporations as inhumane entities throwing the world into the gorge of dystopian …

Yet Another Facebook Data Scandal: This Time It Is About China and the US National Security
Before the buzz around Facebook and Cambridge Analytica data misuse completely subsided, the largest social network found itself in the middle of another trouble. This time the controversy emerged from Facebook’s decade-old partnerships with smartphone manufacturers, apparently giving the latter access to private data of the social network users. On June 6th, Facebook faced lawmakers’ …

Amazon in the Middle of Facial Recognition Tech Controversy
In the modern world of ever-developing technologies there are barely a few advancements that can really surprise us. However, ethical components of such seem to draw a lot of attention. And recently, Amazon got into a huge dispute over the selling of their facial recognition technology to the law enforcement bodies. So, lawless.tech decided to …