Articles Written by John Chopyk
GDPR vs. Blockchain: The Saga Continues
The popular French privacy watchdog, the CNIL, is on fire these days. After being the first EU authority to issue warnings for the GDPR violations to Teemo and Fidzup, it discovers new playgrounds – this time it’s all about matching blockchain technology and the GDPR. With the recently issued official English translation of the recommendation, …
Serving Justice Online: Online Dispute Resolution as an Alternative to Traditional Litigation
New technologies make routine tasks easier, faster, more efficient. Now they are taking over court systems and traditional means of legislation. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), a method of dealing with conflicts outside traditional courts, was super hyped at the dawn of the millennium. The most intriguing part was the fresh perspective on the access to justice, …
Internet Laws: the Russian Federation
Freedom of Speech. One of the fundamental human rights with probably the longest history of oppression. When the internet gained more popularity, it became a platform for the freedom of speech to be accessible. Now, more freely than ever, anyone can express what they want, when they want and the way they want it. However, …
Another Security Breach: Fitness Trackers That Track Things Way Beyond Fitness
Another day, another privacy breach. This time, it’s not Facebook knowing what you eat for breakfast, or a shopping mall that rats you to the cops. This time, it’s a James Bond movie came to life that turned the tables for the society. Usually, you’re the one that has no idea as to being watched …
Predictive Policing: Can a Crime Be Precisely Foreseen?
Predicting crime has always been the way to solve the ever fluctuating crime rate, especially since Minority Report hit the theaters. However, are there existing tools so advanced they can match the unprecedented crime prediction level? And, are they also reliable enough to do that? In this article takes a look at so-called predictive policing, …
Can Internet Be Censored?
Recently, the EU attempted to shoot for a specific copyright legislation to protect the rights of unique content creators by addressing the issues of licensing in particular. However, the reaction from the public seems couldn’t be farther from calm. New EU Copyright Directive On June 20th, the EU’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) approved a new …