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Internet Laws: South Korea
While North Korea has the steady reputation of an oppressive authoritarian country, its southern neighbor, full of K-pop artists and glass skyscrapers, looks liberal and progressive. Yet, it seems that it’s liberal and progressive by sheer contrast. A succession of corrupt governments and a 60-years old standoff with the communist-nationalist regime across the northern border …

Xenotransplantation: Playing God Because At Least Somebody Should
According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) statistics, there are about 114,600 people in need of an organ transplantation in the US. About 20 die waiting each day. This year over 24,200 transplant have been performed and over 11,600 donors took part, but the shortage of organs and tissues is apparent. This problem …

A Busy Week for Data Privacy
There’s been quite a week for those keeping an eye on data privacy regulation. The Federal Trade Commission pushes to renew the Privacy Shield — a data transfer pact between the US and the EU. European lawmakers, however, are skeptical about it, arguing that some US-based companies aren’t fulfilling their obligations. Facebook is facing yet …

Between Freedom of Speech and Online Security
It seems like the news about internet laws are put on the conveyor belt. There are laws that demolish previously established internet regulations or copyright directives that kill memes and question further online creativity. There’s also the FCC’s move away from net neutrality which eliminates equal access to the internet. These and other laws aren’t …

Is Autonomous Car Data Subject to Copyright?
Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, are getting conceptually closer to smart gadgets, rather than mere means of transportation. Such vehicles are equipped with a multitude of sensor arrays, such as LIDARs, conventional radars, cameras, accelerometers, and thermometers. Over a single ride to work your smart car would generate an exhaustive log featuring every bump on …

World Wide Web as a Heavensent: Struggles and Challenges of Global Internet Access
The dream of having internet access wherever you go, be it the heart of Sahara desert, an uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific, or even the South Pole is still a dream. But groups of very ambitious and equally rich people have been trying to make it a reality for decades now. Basically, …