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Our 100th Feature: Is Open to Collaboration

It’s been a while since our last post. For almost a year, we have been doing our best to look closely at the way law impacts the most cutting-edge technologies, how those technologies affect and find their place in law, and how it all affects us.

We have published 99 articles viewed 209 000 times by 28 000 users. Five percent of readers subscribed to our newsletter and followed us on social media. We do feel that our work is needed and appreciated.

Now,, an online magazine about law and technology, is looking for partners to move forward. Together we can bridge the conceptual gap between innovators and lawmakers.


We invite tech enthusiasts, lawyers, scientists, computer geeks, and anyone with the relevant expertise in law and technology to become our authors. You can share your opinion in an interview, article, or provide us with your commentary. Features on are usually read a thousand times, so publishing guest articles with our magazine is a reasonable way to build your personal brand and reach out to people.


We offer law firms, organizations, businesses, and regulators to sponsor as their custom media. Branded media was proved to be efficient marketing technique by Adobe, RedBull, Cisco, Coca-Cola, and other companies. Marketing through journalism is a great way to acquire and retain your target audience, as well as build awareness.

Should you have any questions or suggestions please email

Thank you all for your support!