Tag Archive For "Op-Ed"

Privacy of Things: Which Security Requirements to Consider for the Smart Devices’ Manufacturing

Privacy of Things: Which Security Requirements to Consider for the Smart Devices’ Manufacturing

On September 28, 2018, the state of California approved the bill regulating privacy and security issues in one of the leading sectors of the tech industry — the Internet of Things or, simply said, smart devices. While progress-minded appliance makers talk about the magic benefits of the smart fridge, the IoT law will regulate its “black” side …

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Lean Thinking and the Legal Industry: Where We Are Today

Lean Thinking and the Legal Industry: Where We Are Today

The legal industry is facing historic challenges. Technology has reached the point where it is making an impact on legal services delivery. Outside the industry, people are experiencing rapid change in every aspect of their lives. New questions and issues arise that demand fresh ways of looking at how to do things. Yet, through all …

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ICO Regulation: a Competitive Advantage?

ICO Regulation: a Competitive Advantage?

This article was previously published on heconomist.ch in French. Some minor changes have been made by the author. The Chamber of Digital Commerce, the world’s largest professional association representing the blockchain industry, recently published a 108-pages document that analyses the regulation of ‘Initial Coin Offerings’ in 5 leading common law countries. Meanwhile, the blockchain/ICO working group …

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Cryptocurrencies Regulation: It’s Getting a Bit Philosophical

Cryptocurrencies Regulation: It’s Getting a Bit Philosophical

The world of crypto, like the world of politics, can create curious bedfellows. This is now becoming clear in the move by some jurisdictions to create a regulatory and supervisory regime around distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and the opposition by others to do so. Similarly some industry players, such as the Gibraltar Stock Exchange, are …

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What Countries Have the Strictest Internet Censorship Regulations?

What Countries Have the Strictest Internet Censorship Regulations?

Many of us take the benefits of the Internet for granted, and it’s hard to imagine life without the connectivity it provides. And yet, for some people, living with a heavily censored and restricted Internet connection is their routine, and there’s pretty much nothing they can do about it that can’t land them in trouble …

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Challenges Concerning Regulation of Virtual Currencies

Challenges Concerning Regulation of Virtual Currencies

The principal purpose of financial regulation is to identify threats and risks arising from financial activities and mitigate them if required. There are various threats which could possibly arise out of Virtual Currencies (VCs) and it is apparent that regulation could bring positive changes to the functioning of VCs. What Should Be Considered Whilst Designing …

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