Tag Archive For "News"

A Busy Week for Data Privacy

A Busy Week for Data Privacy

There’s been quite a week for those keeping an eye on data privacy regulation. The Federal Trade Commission pushes to renew the Privacy Shield — a data transfer pact between the US and the EU. European lawmakers, however, are skeptical about it, arguing that some US-based companies aren’t fulfilling their obligations. Facebook is facing yet …

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Is Autonomous Car Data Subject to Copyright?

Is Autonomous Car Data Subject to Copyright?

Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, are getting conceptually closer to smart gadgets, rather than mere means of transportation. Such vehicles are equipped with a multitude of sensor arrays, such as LIDARs, conventional radars, cameras, accelerometers, and thermometers. Over a single ride to work your smart car would generate an exhaustive log featuring every bump on …

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Lock, Stock and a Printed Barrel: Legal Adventures of DIY Firearms

Lock, Stock and a Printed Barrel: Legal Adventures of DIY Firearms

Thanks to 3D printing tech, you are now able to make a prosthetic leg, a nice bling-bling for a not so dear friend, or even a firearm as easily as renting a movie or buying tickets online. All you would need to make a gun is a proper blueprint, proper materials, and an actual 3D …

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Net Neutrality: The Fight Goes On

Net Neutrality: The Fight Goes On

In December 2017 the Federal Communications Commission passed the Restoring Internet Freedom Order (RIFO). In June 2018 the law came into force, effectively killing net neutrality, a principle that states that internet providers, such as AT&T or Verizon, should treat all data equally. Unsurprisingly, the move sparked a major controversy involving the FCC, large corporations, …

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Are Summons Just Get Tweeted Now? Analyzing the Legal Issues With Serving Formal Papers on Social Media

Are Summons Just Getting Tweeted Now? Analyzing the Legal Issues With Serving Formal Papers on Social Media

Last Friday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) served WikiLeaks via Twitter. While the microblog service is extremely popular within the White House these days, it’s one of only a handful of instances when it has been used for such an official purpose, maybe except that time when the U.S. Secretary of State found out he …

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May the Space Force Be With You, Mr. Trump

May the Space Force Be With You, Mr. Trump

It seems Donald Trump’s fantasy about having space force is no longer a fantasy. A few days ago, Vice President Mike Pence appeared together with Defense Secretary James Mattis to announce the Trump administration’s plan on creating the sixth branch of U.S. military. Best-laid Plans In his speech, Mr. Pence mentioned the new branch will …

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