Tag Archive For "Interview"
Premonition’s Toby Unwin: I Think the Fundamental Problem With Law Is That Financial Incentives Are Misaligned
The legal industry is evolving. The mechanic routine tasks are now more often automated, leaving legal professionals with more time to work on complex problems and make strategic decisions. Or at least that’s what law firms want us to think. In order to figure out what’s going on with the modern legal industry and legal …
Space Lawyer Frans von der Dunk: A Less Strict Form of the Law of the Sea Might Be the Way to Go for Asteroid Mining
This is the second part of our interview with Frans von der Dunk. In the first part, we talked mostly about the very profession of a space lawyer, and covered some of the general questions regarding the further evolution of the space industry as a whole. In part two, we focused more on some practical …
Commercial Space and Its Role in the World Today: an Expert View
Russian cosmist philosophers of the 19th century believed not only that humankind’s future lay in the stars; they said that we were destined to reach beyond our planet like a child eventually leaves the cradle. What looked like a pipedream in the coal and steam world, led to the launch of the first human being …
Space Lawyer Frans von der Dunk: Current International Space Law Is Far Too Vague and Broad
We have already talked with a few space lawyers, which seems to be a profession that most probably think belongs to the world of science fiction or some 22nd century world. Still, as we slowly head towards the 22nd century and already consider using the asteroid belt as a production field, and the Moon as …
AI Lawyer John Weaver: Government Should Introduce AI Regulation That Reflects What the Nation Would Like for the Country Once AI Is Everywhere
Artificial intelligence has been a dream and a fear for many of us ever since 2001: A Space Odyssey, if not before that. The fear that it will take over the humankind is often entwined with the high hopes that it will catapult us to yet unimaginary heights of technological prosperity. However, it’s obvious that …
AXDRAFT CEO Yuriy Zaremba: AXDRAFT Appeared as a Solution to Ease My Own Pain
As we tread into the future world of digital entertainment, digital friends and digital currencies, it becomes ever more obvious that the inherently conservative legal industry has to become digital as well. It’s been more than a decade since legal tech services became popular tools for e-discovery and automating other lawyers’ and paralegals routine tasks. …