The internet of things, artificial intelligence, quantum computers, robots, blockchain databases, neural networks, and many other things that look like an outtake from a sci-fi geek’s fantasy are now real, or at least are likely to become real in our lifetime. How do lawmakers react to those new developments? Can their regulations strangle innovations to death? Should they follow in their wake, or it’s better to set out the rules in advance? Let’s journey to this brave new world together.
IoT Expert Sebastian Golasch: We Need More Regulations and Better Protection of Users Even if That Leads Us to Cut on Features
Every other “smart” gadget on the market brings us closer to the Internet of Things, a huge interconnected network of devices ranging from smartphones and cars to lightbulbs and stoves. As compact and portable computers become increasingly abundant, our kettles and entire houses become smarter and, in some cases, even able to engage in a …
Cybercrime and Real Punishment
Pop culture has romanticized a hacker’s image and made it into a sort of a modern day hero that fights abuse of power as seen in V for Vendetta or Mr. Robot. Indeed, hacker movements like Anonymous play a significant role in building democracy, supporting various social changes and the Internet without censorship via Denial …
Agrello CEO: AI Can Help Us Understand How to Make Better Contracts
Legal innovation is one of the most noticeable trends now. Thanks to the advancements in blockchain technology and machine learning, it is now possible to effectively fuse the benefits of both and build systems to create and execute contracts that are literally smart. At the Consensus 2018 conference in New York,’s Tamar Menteshashvili talked …
I, Robot LLC: Making Artificial Intelligence a Person
In 1992, a prominent legal scholar Lawrence B. Solum wrote: “Could an artificial intelligence become a legal person? As of today, this question is only theoretical. No existing computer program currently possesses the sort of capacities that would justify serious judicial inquiry into the question of legal personhood.” After 26 years of progress, however, the …
Legalizing Driverless Cars: Options, Approaches, and Controversies
Self-driving cars have been somewhat a sci fi fetish for decades, probably only falling short of flying cars as a symbol of the future. These days, they’re not just as widespread as sci fi novels described them, yet the work on the technology is ongoing. The first attempts to create an autonomous vehicle started back …
A Long Way to Robot Domination: Will AI Have Human Rights?
The humankind lives in interesting times. The whole world might be searched and found on Google, blockchain technology helps building self-regulated societies and, hopefully, government-independent currencies, and robots are taking over routine tasks. When people think about robots, the first things that, probably, come to their minds are Star Wars or Bladerunner, where AI has …