The internet of things, artificial intelligence, quantum computers, robots, blockchain databases, neural networks, and many other things that look like an outtake from a sci-fi geek’s fantasy are now real, or at least are likely to become real in our lifetime. How do lawmakers react to those new developments? Can their regulations strangle innovations to death? Should they follow in their wake, or it’s better to set out the rules in advance? Let’s journey to this brave new world together.
Why Is It Crucial to Make Sure Your Smart Contract Is a Legal Contract
In this article, I explain what smart legal contracts are, and why the smart contracts tech should be within the contract law framework. Firstly, I want to be clear about what kind of smart contracts I am speaking. This technology can be used for smart records for governments or smart cities, for real estate registries, …
ICO Whitelist: Definition, Types, Features
In the world where the unlimited reign of uncontrollable ICOs is in obvious decline, most projects seeking to raise funds for their endeavors opt to use whitelisting, a model that enables them to personally meet their potential contributors and decide whether they really want to take their money. Why are they so selective? What this …
Lawyer’s Perspective: Why Smart Contracts Are So Important for Our Society
I assume that you, the reader, already know what smart contracts are and what they do. The main feature is that this technology is able to ensure that once certain conditions are satisfied, exchange of promises will happen automatically. In this article, I am going to explain why this function of smart contracts is crucial …
Predictive Policing: Can a Crime Be Precisely Foreseen?
Predicting crime has always been the way to solve the ever fluctuating crime rate, especially since Minority Report hit the theaters. However, are there existing tools so advanced they can match the unprecedented crime prediction level? And, are they also reliable enough to do that? In this article takes a look at so-called predictive policing, …
SAFT: Peculiarities, Framework Efficiency, Potential Risks
SAFTs have been regarded as the next best thing to a safe haven for startups and companies that wish to raise funds by selling tokens without igniting the righteous rage of the SEC. Some think SAFT is a legal trickery, others believe it’s the answer to the prayers of all disruptors of the world. But …
Security Token Offering: Features, Exemptions, Risks
Offering security tokens is allegedly one of the most attractive ways for blockchain startups to raise funds. However, after the U.S. SEC has made it fairly obvious it’s not really happy about it last year, projects think twice before issuing a token that might be considered a security. In this explainer feature, we answer the …